- National Sawdust, Motif, “Of course, but also kind of not really”
- National Sawdust, Motif, “Carve Out a Little Emptiness Or, JJJJJerome Ellis Enters Through Another Door, Opens It, and Rearranges the Furniture”
- MOVEMENTS (Vol. 1), “Fold Maps, Class Maps, Text Maps, Blurred Maps”
- The Poetry Project Newsletter #273, “Images on which to build, 1970-1990s”
- National Sawdust, Motif, “Circling Paradise”
- The Poetry Project Newsletter #271, On quanundrum [I will be your many angled thing] by Edwin Torres
- Vera List Center, on asterisks (*for the stars)
- Art in America, Impairment as Impetus: Five Historic Works Spurred by Disability, Darrel Ellis: Untitled (ca. 1992)
- ART PAPERS, and we were dancing (for and with and after Kevin Gotkin & Levani)
- Rindon Johnson Ruminates on the Expansiveness of Identity
- Cruising the Horizon: New York Imagines New, Queer(er) Potentials
- Bold Colors and Surreal Compositions Upend the Monotony of Commercial Billboards
- A Queer Love Story Blooms Across Borders
- Artists, Writers, and Curators Share Pro-tips for Boundary Setting
- Keith Haring’s Line of Desire
- How Amanda Gorman’s Poetry Roused a “Country That Is Bruised but Whole”
Catalog Contributions
- CUE Foundation Art Critic Mentoring Program, to build another world, exhibition essay for Even there, there are stars
- Real Art Ways, Inclination/Reclamation (Catalog essay for Kevin Quiles Bonilla: As the palm is bent, the boy is inclined)
- GenderFail Press, Between the Bars - Adam Liam Rose (Forward)
- Inspired by Nam June Paik, Performa is Bringing Back the Telethon
- Sam Gilliam’s Tactile Choreography of Colors
- Honoring Motherhood and the Mundane
- A Mail Art Project Creates Space for Collective Mourning and Exchange
- Peter Hujar’s Tender, Transgressive Portraits and Why They Require Nuance
- Artist Guadalupe Maravilla Is Centering Mutual Aid and Indigenous Medicinal Practices
- Best of 2019: Our Top 10 Brooklyn Art Shows
- Fluid Glimpses of a Queer Community on the Margins
- A Show About Stonewall’s Legacy Falters on Inclusion
Brooklyn Rail
Brooklyn Rail (2018)
- MOTHA and Chris E. Vargas: Consciousness Razing—The Stonewall Re-Memorialization Project
- David Wojnarowicz: History Keeps Me Awake at Night
Art Critical
- Bytes and Biting Satire: Feminist Video at Franklin Street Works (2016)
- Aesthetics and Social Justice: Arresting Patterns at ArtSpace (2015)
- Social Justice in the Studio and in the Street: Art and activism at Franklin Street Works (2015)
- Hartford Courant, “College Access Plans Leave Undocumented Students Behind (Co Author)" (2015)
- Long River Review, Aetna Creative Nonfiction Award, Second Prize, “Desempacando” (2014)
- One University Place, “Room for Everyone: All Gender Bathrooms Come to Campus" (2014)
- The Nation, Contributor, “StudentNation"